Behavior Policy

Behavior Policy


Dear Parents,

          We’re delighted that your child is in our classes this year!  We are departmentalized this year, which means your child will have two teachers:  Mrs. Mize and Mrs. Scurlock. Mrs. Scurlock will be teaching Reading, Composition, Grammar, and Spelling. Mrs. Mize will be teaching Math, Science, and Social Studies.  We will teach Handwriting with our homeroom classes.  We look forward to many exciting and rewarding experiences as the year progresses.


Explanation of Discipline Plan

          It is our belief that the parents and/or guardians are the first teachers and the home is the first classroom.  Professional educators build on what a child brings to school.  For that reason, each success and every concern should be shared by the teacher and parent whenever possible.


          Below, we have outlined our classroom expectations that will be in effect for the duration of the year.  In order to maintain a positive learning environment, we have developed the same expectations and consequences.  This will provide structure and consistency.


          Your child will have a planner, which both teachers will use to communicate easily with you.  Please review and sign this planner every day for your child’s citizenship grade and homework assignments.  Your child will begin with 100 points for citizenship at the beginning of every six weeks.  Whenever an expectation is broken after a verbal warning is given, a point will be subtracted.


Classroom Expectations

·        Listen and follow directions

·        Respect others and property

·        Be prepared

·        Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

·        Accept responsibility


Rewards for expected classroom behavior

·        Verbal praise

·        Free time

·        Homework passes

·        Notes sent home



·        Verbal warning

·        1st violation – lose 5 minutes of recess

·        2nd violation – lose 10 minutes of recess

·        3rd violation – lose 15 minutes of recess and point off in planner

·        4th violation – visit to the Principal’s office



·        In extreme behavior situations or repeated offenses the student will be sent directly to an administrator.

·        No daily homework results in the loss of recess and a signed planner.

·        Marks in PE will also result in the loss of recess and a signed planner.