Mrs. Pamela A. Linn
6th Grade Teacher, Room 311
Reading - Composition - Grammar - Spelling - Social Studies
Mrs. Amy Gonzalez--Math & Science Teacher
Our 2-Pod Schedule

7:45 -- 8:15 Breakfast
8:15 -- 10:45 Gonzalez's Homeroom
10:50 -- 11:45 Linn's Homeroom
11:45--12:15 LUNCH
12:15 -- 12:30 RECESS
12:40--1:30 Linn's Homeroom CONTINUED
2:15 -- 2:30 Linn's Homeroom continued
2:30 -- 3:15 P. E.
3:20 Dismissal
All students need to be reading
their AR books for 30 minutes each night.
If you have any questions and would like to send me an email, please
use the Contact Me page in the left menu to send me a message.

Late Work Policy
You have 3 additional days to make up a major assignment if late.
a penalty, each day late your
assignment will lose 10 points.